Monitor IMO Chat History

iKeyMonitor monitors IMO chat history in a discreet and tamper-proof mode by logging IMO text messages, and capturing screenshots of IMO chat conversations.

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  • Log keystrokes input in IMO chatios-JailbrokenAndroid
  • Monitor IMO messages sent and Received ios-JailbrokenAndroidiCloud
  • Track photos sent and received in IMOAndroid
  • Record voice messages Android
  • Capture screenshots of IMO chats ios-JailbrokenAndroid Rooted
  • iOS iOS All iPhone, iPad
  • Android Android All Android Devices
  • ios jailbroken iOS (JB) Jailbroken iPhone, iPad
  • Android rooted Android(Root) Root Required
  • ios-icloud iOS(iCloud) iCloud Credentials Required

Why Is Monitoring IMO Chat History Useful?

There are over 100 million users on IMO chat. IMO Chat has provided a platform that allows users to send messages, share photos and videos, make free voice and video calls. It’s necessary for parents and employers to Monitor IMO chat history on the target iPhone so as to keep an eye on children’s or employees’ activities on IMO. With the help of iKeyMonitor, parents can easily know what their children have done on their devices and safeguard their online safety. In addition, employers can use iKeyMonitor to find lazy and disloyal employees.

IMO monitoring for parental control

Nowadays, plenty of teenagers are so rebellious that they are reluctant to communicate with their parents. Meanwhile, parents are too busy to take care of their kids, which makes teenagers tend to chat with strangers on IMO. In teenagers’ eyes, it seems that strangers care more about them and can give more love to them than their parents, which makes the opportunity for sexual abuse. Predators always pretend to be the same age as teenagers to obtain their privacy, such as home addresses, phone numbers, parents’ work time. Teenagers are so innocent that they will be cheated easily, for which parents need to keep track of children’s online activities.

iKeyMonitor not only monitors IMO text messages but also captures screenshots of IMO chat history, which easily shows parents who their children are talking with and what their children are talking about. Then parents can know what their children need and give them what they want. Cell phones are pushing parents and children further apart, but iKeyMonitor can make them closer. What’s the most important part that iKeyMonitor brings to parents is that it can protect children from potential online dangers by spying on IMO chat activities.

Employee monitoring on IMO

Nowadays, young adults prefer to express themselves with stickers and emojis. IMO Chat provides them with hundreds of stickers, which makes young adults engaged in it even when it is working hours. Some employees even use company-provided Android or iOS devices to chat with their friends and families on IMO during office hours. What’s worse is that maybe your crucial business information is being leaked to your competitors on IMO chat by your employees.

Don’t worry, iKeyMonitor will be your right arm. It’s necessary for companies to install iKeyMonitor on the Android and iOS phones that were provided to employees. First, iKeyMonitor can help employers monitor employees’ every behavior on IMO chat on their iOS and Android phones. Employers can block IMO chat during working hours to guarantee employees’ efficiency. Second, also most important, employers can set keywords when recording chat logs. When employees trigger the keywords in IMO chat, iKeyMonitor will send alert emails to employers. With the help of iKeyMonitor, employers can easily enhance their company’s productivity and protect confidential files in a discreet and tamper-proof mode.

Monitor IMO Chat FAQs

Yes, iKeyMonitor IMO monitoring app enables you to recover all deleted IMO messages on Android phones. You only need to download and install iKeyMonitor on your target device to recover deleted IMO messages.
With iKeyMonitor IMO monitoring app, you can track all IMO activities on the target phone. You only need to download and install iKeyMonitor on your target device to track IMO chat history.
With iKeyMonitor IMO monitoring app, you can check all IMO activities on the target phone. You only need to download and install iKeyMonitor on your target device to check others’ IMO chat history.